četvrtak, 23. srpnja 2015.

Which temperament are you?

Which temperament are you?

Are you one of those people who like to “strike while the iron is hot” or you prefer to go along with that “whatever happens happens”?
Relaxed or anger-prone? The answer lies in one of four temperaments that actually denote different types of personalities.
Temperament is, simply said, related to “temper”, not to upbringing, and it is not a result of some traumas or suppressed memories, instead, it is mostly conditioned by genetic factors and manifests itself in the intensity of the emotional experience, the speed of changing emotional states, the way we express emotions and the prevailing emotional mood of a person. Temperament inclines us to make certain choices but it also serves as the basis of moral and spiritual life.
There are four types of temperament, firstly described by the Greek physician Hippocrates. It is interesting to note that this classification has stood the test of time, although scientists provide evidence according to which a person’s personality type is usually the mixture of several types. These types are: sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic. Each temperament is featured by emotional stability as a contrast to instability, optimism as a contrast to pessimism, extroversion as a contrast to introversion.
More than the other types, this one praises the concept of ideal, whether seen in truth, beauty or righteousness. Sensitive, idealistic, often deeply concerned over injustices and atrocities. Great composers, poets and writers usually belong to this type of temperament.
Melancholic personality is evident in persons whose initial reaction to a certain stimulus is weak, but over time the intensity of such reaction becomes greater and often lasts for a long time. Since the reactions of these people are mostly slow, they bring decisions guided by their ideals. They strive for perfection, and only a small number of people can live up to their expectations. Also, they are huge book lovers.
Since they strive for perfection, “mission impossible”, they can easily start to lose self-confidence and end up spiritless. Where others see challenge they see a problem, but interestingly, though they are often blocked and confused by trivial things, they are capable of overcoming serious crises and this in a very dignified manner, in a way showing off the dose of self-confidence.
Their pessimistic attitude can make them self-absorbed, which leaves them less time for other to whom they pay less attention which may indicate they constantly fight against their own self-pity-inclined personality.
Self-pity presents a trap into which a melancholic easily falls in and this can lead to impoverished life so they need to be encouraged, from an early start of their endeavors, to bring in more trust, optimism and enthusiasm in their life.
However, if they perform jobs that demand precision, consistency, organization, then the melancholic people precisely will have the best odds to excel at their job.
In comparison to the melancholic, sanguine person embraces life-optimistic attitude and tends to live in the present moment not worrying that much about the past. The past is not something he ponders about but future events will not give him a headache either.
Sanguine person is usually adventure enthusiast, reliable and creative and can be inspiring to other people too. Moreover, he is cheerful and bold, but this may make him to bring superficial and snap decisions.
They like to be in the centre of attention and prefer quantity over quality when it comes to friendships. However, they like to please people or at least give them a good laugh.
Sanguine people easily show their emotions however, their emotions vary since they often act impulsively or recklessly. They are rarely arrogant on purpose or stubborn.
They are fast learners although they may have problems with concentration, not because they are not intelligent enough, but because they are always seem to be distracted by something new.
Weak sides of this personality type are superficiality and inconsistency and, what is more, he tends to forget what is right and acts in opposite way and this just to fit into society.
This type of personality is characterized by thoughtful, reasonable, civilized and trustworthy behavior. They are glad to offer support and also reliable and loyal, excellent diplomats who know how to behave in stressful situations when keeping calm and cool head is essential.
They are known for their casual nature and sharp mindedness so everything their rhetoric is clear and considerate.
They don’t like quarrels or any type of confrontations, but because of their calm nature they are often accused of lacking enthusiasm or spontaneity. For this reason they leave the impression of being disinterested, but when they are encouraged to achieve a certain goal, they become staunch and persistent.
Dynamic, direct and witty person characterized by keen mind. His reactions are instant, intense, vigorous and reveal his strong-will.
Saying no to a choleric person never poses a problem, more likely, it encourages him to take the matter into his own hands, and decisiveness is one of his most prominent features. His work makes him feel complete and sets himself high goals.
He feels empowered with the power and he is never questions his decisions.
The downside of the medal is, as expected, he is quick to judge others and stubborn. Moreover, he is often impatient and intolerant to those who are less tolerant than him.
He attempts to dominate other people and can be unrelenting and prone to haughtiness and anger. Father Conrad Hock has nicely put it: “The choleric prefers to die rather than to humble himself.”

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